One in Five announces the appointment of new board director, Michael Dalic.

One in Five is thrilled to announce the appointment of Michael Dalic to One in Five's Board as Director with effect from 1 January 2025.
Based in Melbourne, Michael is a leader of digital transformation and technology product, delivery and innovation, with experience working across a number of sectors, including Retail, Health and Utilities, in enterprise, SaaS and consulting capacities. Michael is Head of Product at Lumary, a software platform provider supporting Disability Support, Allied Health and Aged Care at Home providers. He is passionate about advancing the understanding of mental health challenges and the available support options.
"One in Five is a number that really resonates with me as the impact of mental ill-health has been a regular part of my community of family and friends. I think it’s amazing that it is discussed more openly and there are so many options to seek professional support. I’m thrilled to have the opportunity to apply my professional experiences toward One in Five and in turn support the development of better understanding and ultimately better treatment." - Michael Dalic