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Donate to One in Five
Your tax-deductible donation will help Australian scientists research causes, treatments and cures for mental illness.
Every dollar raised supports Australia’s leading mental health scientists, research institutions, and studies as they work to uncover new insights.
Make a one-off donation or set up a recurring gift.

Become a Corporate Partner
Partner with us to help supercharge mental health research. We offer a range of opportunities for businesses and organisations to partner with our mission to fund research into mental illness.
Whether it's funding a research fellowship, sponsoring an event or donating goods and services, your business can make a real impact on mental health outcomes.

Fundraise for One in Five
From marathons and fun runs to morning teas, movie nights, bake sales, and adventure treks in Australia and abroad — fundraising for mental health research allows you to make a real difference.
Every event you host or participate in helps drive progress towards better understanding and treatment of mental illness.